22.05 11:00 IDSIA B. Atasoy - Analysis of an itinerary-based airline fleet assignment model with choice-driven recapture and pricing
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
TITLE: Analysis of an itinerary-based airline fleet assignment model
with choice-driven recapture and pricing
SPEAKER: Bilge Atasoy, Transp-OR, EPFL, Switzerland
DATE: Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013
PLACE: IDSIA, Seminar's room, Galleria 1
TIME: 11.00
There is an increasing interest for the integration of supply-demand
interactions in airline schedule planning models. We work with an
itinerary-based airline fleet assignment model where an itinerary choice
model is explicitly integrated. The choice model represents the decision
on pricing as well as the spill and recapture effects. We present a
sensitivity analysis for the key assumptions of the demand model in
order to quantify the added value of the choice-based fleet assignment.
The model is solved with a local search heuristic which iterates over
two sub-problems. We present a set of reformulations as a
convexification of the revenue sub-problem which is expected to
increase the efficiency of the solution methodologies.
11 years, 9 months
16.05 1130 IDSIA - M. Klumpp - Green Logistics and Optimization in Delivery Schemes
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Wednesday 16 May 2013, 1130
IDSIA meeting room, Galleria 1, Manno
Green Logistics and Optimization in Delivery Schemes
Prof. Dr. Matthias Klumpp
Wissenschaftlicher Direktor
ild Institut für Logistik- & Dienstleistungsmanagement
FOM University of Applied Sciences
Essen, Germany
From prejudiced logistics concepts in green logistics an increased safety stock level decision making is expected (Green Bullwhip Effect).
This could be shown experimentally by providing optimal solutions in a Monte-Carlo-Setting for different delivery schemes (standard, green) under inclusion of uncertain demand.
11 years, 10 months