REMINDER Friday July. 4th, h 11:00 - Alessandro Facchini, On modal fixpoint logics: where logic meets automata and games
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
TITLE: On modal fixpoint logics: where logic meets automata and games
SPEAKER: Prof. Alessandro Facchini (Informatic Institute, Warsaw, Polland)
WHEN: Friday, July 4th, 11:00 am
WHERE: IDSIA Meeting room - Galleria 1, Manno
Modal fixpoint logics constitute a very lively and interesting research
field. The reasons of this success are twofold. On the one hand computer
scientists extensively use these formalisms to capture the relevant
formal aspects of the system they want to build, as it is the case with
LTL, CTL and PDL in software verification, or with conditional and
regular XPath in database theory. On the other hand, the mathematical
theory of modal fixpoint logics has unveiled deep and rich connections
with fields as diverse as automata theory, topology and game theory. But
despite this success story, the actual situation is paradoxical: modal
fixpoints are used everywhere in computer science, but the working
computer scientist is still lacking a clear mathematical understanding
of them.
In this talk I present the content of my present research program, whose
goal is to make a step towards the understanding of the mathematical
landscape behind modal fixpoints by studying expressiveness and
structural problems of this formalisms, in particular of the modal
mu-calculus. Some of the first obtained results have been published at
LICS 2013, CSL-LICS 2014 and CiE 2014.
Short bio:
Alessandro Facchini is assistant professor at the Informatics Institute
of the University of Warsaw, where is leading a Homing Plus project on
the expressiveness of fixpoint logics, co-financed by the FNP and the
European Union. After studying logic, linguistics and mathematics at the
Universities of Neuchâtel and Barcelona, he obtained a PhD in Computer
Science, joint from the Universities of Bordeaux 1 (LaBRI) and Lausanne.
For the results obtained during his doctoral studies, he was awarded of
the Paul Bernays Award 2011. He has been research associate at the
Informatics Institute of the University of Amsterdam (EU FP7 project),
and visiting researcher at the Jack Baskin School of Engineering,
University of California Santa Cruz, at the ILLC, University of
Amsterdam, and at the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science,
University of Edinburgh. He is also research associate at the UMR7597,
CNRS-University Paris 7.
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