Tomorrow 8.9 11.00 at IDSIA Isabella Loddo, Action space of digital devices
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
TALK 8 September 2015 11.00 - IDSIA meeting room
Action space of digital devices
Isabella Loddo, Design Science at Iuav University of Venice, Italy
The action space of digital devices defines a social interaction space,
that needs to be recognized and understood in order to be inhabited. As
well as we shape spaces that prepare to social interaction,
technologies can invite the body to assume specific behaviors. The
dimensions of the social and the tangible, in fact, are new approaches
that have in common an embodied view of interactions.
Our body is a communication machine, which sends and receives stimuli,
not only biological but also physical, cognitive and emotional: we are
open to the world and we are in balance on it. There are
different forms of balance that the body undertakes as different
environmental situations that create an alteration and a reaction that
restores a new stability.
The goal of my research is to offer demonstrations, objects and views
that are relevant to assessing physical interfaces with a generalized
method, heterogeneous content can be validated with a critical
methodology and evaluation of the artifacts. My talk will concern the
representation of motion, the evaluation of the user experience, the
mapping of interactions and the exploration of human motion acquisition
tools, to investigate whether the
methodology of using notations [e.g. the Labanotation] can exhaustively
express the tertiary qualities and the invisible spaces of interaction.
The aim, in perspective, is to shift from the evaluation of human-todevice
interactions to the study of social interactions in spaces that are
shaped by technology. In this sense, robotics can both provide us with
models to represent gestural actions, in order to reduce
them into their basic components, as well as devices to be controlled
through this kind of interfaces, defining a correspondency between
gestural actions and behaviors of the robot/device. In other words,
there are both a component of decoding human motion and the necessity
for a good translation of these movements into interfaces.
Isabella Loddo is a PhD candidate in Design Science at Iuav University
of Venice, Italy.
Her research area is tangible interaction design, specifically embodied
interfaces and their semantics.
Her approach is finding balance in complexity and she applies it into
research in the field of robotics and bio-medicine. She is currently
involved in the IBIS group with ASI (Italian Space Agency).
9 years, 6 months