13.05 1130 A Bruzzone: Ingelligent Agents and Interoperable Simulation for Analyzing Complex Systems
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
13.05 1130-1200 IDSIA meeting room
Prof Agostino Bruzzone
Title: "Ingelligent Agents and Interoperable Simulation
for Analyzing Complex Systems"
The presentation will focus on the MS2G Paradigm
(Modeling, interoperable Simulaiton and Serious Games) and
on its potential for analyzing complex systems. The
presentation will include experiences applied to Extended
Maritime Framework, Homeland Security and Strategic
Decision Making,
Agostino G. Bruzzone, Full Professor in Genoa University
is President of Simulation Team, Director of the
International Master Program MIPET at Genoa University,
Director of M&S Net, President of the Liophant Simulation,
Director of the McLeod Institute of Simulation Science
Genoa, Vice President of the Society for Modeling and
Simulation International, Member of the Boards in MIMOS
(Movimento Italiano di Simulazione).
He teaches at Project Management, Logistics Modeling and
Modeling & Simulation at Genoa University
Prof.Bruzzones research focuses on M&S, HLA, Virtual
Reality, SG, DSS, HBM, PM, SCM.
Prof.Bruzzone has long experience in coordinating R&D
projects in cooperation with Leading Institutions (e.g.
NASA, EDA, NATO, National MoDs & Depts) and major
Industries (e.g. Bombardier, CAE, ENI, Finmeccanica, IBM,
He served as M&S Project Leader in NATO Science and
Technology Organization, Center for Maritime Research and
Experimentation activating the new research track on
Maritime Simulation. He has published over 200 journal and
conference papers.
8 years, 10 months