Re: [Talks@IDSIA] Friday (Sep ) 11am. Talk on "Clustering based on Bayesian networks with Gaussian and angular predictors"
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Just a reminder.
The talk will start at 11am in the meeting room.
Alessandro Antonucci
Dalle Molle Institute
for Artificial Intelligence
Via Cantonale (Galleria 2)
CH-6928, Manno-Lugano, CH
mail: alessandro(a)
skype: alessandro.antonucci
tel: +41 916108515
2017-09-25 17:48 GMT+02:00 Alessandro Antonucci <alessandro(a)>:
> Dear all,
> I am pleased to announce a talk by Sergio Luengo-Sanchez from the
> Technical University of Madrid. The 20-minutes talk will be held this
> Friday (September 29) at 11am in the IDSIA meeting room (Manno,
> Galleria 1 building).
> [Full Title of the Talk] Clustering based on Bayesian networks with
> Gaussian and angular predictors. Applications in Neuroscience
> [Abstract] The study of plethora of phenomena requires the measurement
> of their magnitude and direction. Probabilistic clustering of these
> data is typically tackled by means of mixtures of Gaussians although
> they tend to underperform due to their inability to handle periodicity
> of directional data. To address this problem several distributions
> have been proposed to cluster bivariate cylindrical data and
> multivariate data having one circular variable. However, data is
> usually multidimensional and consists of a large number of linear and
> directional variables.
> In the present talk, an approach based on exploiting the conditional
> independence assumptions encoded by a Bayesian network enabling
> efficient clustering of multivariate directional-linear data, even
> when there is more than one directional variable, by means of the
> structural expectation-maximization algorithm is introduced. An
> application for neuroscience to cluster dendritic spines according to
> a set of morphological features that combine directional and linear
> variables is presented.
> Bests,
> Alessandro
> _________________________________
> Alessandro Antonucci
> Dalle Molle Institute
> for Artificial Intelligence
> Via Cantonale (Galleria 2)
> CH-6928, Manno-Lugano, CH
> mail: alessandro(a)
> skype: alessandro.antonucci
> tel: +41 916108515
> web:
> _________________________________
7 years, 5 months
[IDSIA] IDSIA, September 29th, 14.30, Per Bergamin, FFHS, Instruction Design for technology-based adaptive learning: Investigating cognitive and emotional aspects
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
IDSIA, September 29th, 14.30, Per Bergamin, FFHS,
Title: Instruction Design for technology-based adaptive learning: Investigating cognitive and emotional aspects
Since 2016 the IFeL Institute of Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences holds an UNESCO chair for personalised and adaptive Distance Education. In this context, relevant concepts and prototypic learning modules are developed and investigated on research based design concepts. In the focus of that research lie aspects of self-regulation, fostering domain specific knowledge and emotions. The main questions are: How can conceptually relevant concepts be built in tradition environments. What are relevant learning data to foster effective learning? How can this data be analysed to support/recommend learning activities? Some examples will be shortly demonstrated and discussed together.
Per Bergamin is Professor for Didactics in Distance Education and E-Learning at the Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences (FFHS). Since 2006 he acts as the Director of the Institute for Research in Open-, Distance- and eLearning (IFeL) and from 2016 on he holds also the UNESCO Chair on personalised and adaptive Distance Education. His research activities focus self-regulated, personalised and adaptive technology-based learning as well as emotions in reading and learning. As a researcher he cooperates with or leads different national and international projects and contributes to different Swiss advisory boards for E-Learning development. As a teacher he covers the topics of Educational Psychology and E-Didactics. Furthermore he was founder and president of the Executive Board of a Company for E-Business and Learning Applications, which he sold in 2016.
Idsia mailing list
7 years, 5 months
Friday (Sep ) 11am. Talk on "Clustering based on Bayesian networks with Gaussian and angular predictors"
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Dear all,
I am pleased to announce a talk by Sergio Luengo-Sanchez from the
Technical University of Madrid. The 20-minutes talk will be held this
Friday (September 29) at 11am in the IDSIA meeting room (Manno,
Galleria 1 building).
[Full Title of the Talk] Clustering based on Bayesian networks with
Gaussian and angular predictors. Applications in Neuroscience
[Abstract] The study of plethora of phenomena requires the measurement
of their magnitude and direction. Probabilistic clustering of these
data is typically tackled by means of mixtures of Gaussians although
they tend to underperform due to their inability to handle periodicity
of directional data. To address this problem several distributions
have been proposed to cluster bivariate cylindrical data and
multivariate data having one circular variable. However, data is
usually multidimensional and consists of a large number of linear and
directional variables.
In the present talk, an approach based on exploiting the conditional
independence assumptions encoded by a Bayesian network enabling
efficient clustering of multivariate directional-linear data, even
when there is more than one directional variable, by means of the
structural expectation-maximization algorithm is introduced. An
application for neuroscience to cluster dendritic spines according to
a set of morphological features that combine directional and linear
variables is presented.
Alessandro Antonucci
Dalle Molle Institute
for Artificial Intelligence
Via Cantonale (Galleria 2)
CH-6928, Manno-Lugano, CH
mail: alessandro(a)
skype: alessandro.antonucci
tel: +41 916108515
7 years, 5 months
[REMINDER] Today 10am, Talk on "Propagating uncertain evidence in Bayesian Networks" by Sabina Marchetti
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Just a reminder.
Today. 10am.
Due to other guests at IDISA we will move to room 221 or 222. Stay tuned.
> Dear All,
> I am pleased to announce a talk by Sabina Marchetti from the Sapienza
> University of Rome, on "Propagating uncertain evidence in Bayesian
> Networks".
> The talk will be held on Friday (Sep 15) at 10am in the IDSIA meeting
> room (Manno, Galleria 1 building).
> The abstract of the 20-minutes talk is the following.
> Basic concepts for belief revision are introduced and extended to
> tackle the absorption and propagation of uncertain evidence in
> Bayesian networks. Within the standard setting, some results are
> proposed on conditional, overlapping and set-valued uncertain
> instances. Those are successively extended to the multiple setting,
> where uncertain evidence is avaiable on a number of distinct random
> variables.
> Bests,
> Alessandro
> _________________________________
> Alessandro Antonucci
> Dalle Molle Institute
> for Artificial Intelligence
> Via Cantonale (Galleria 2)
> CH-6928, Manno-Lugano, CH
> mail: alessandro(a)
> skype: alessandro.antonucci
> tel: +41 916108515
> web:
> _________________________________
7 years, 5 months
Friday (Sep 15) 10am. Talk on "Propagating uncertain evidence in Bayesian Networks" by Sabina Marchetti
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Dear All,
I am pleased to announce a talk by Sabina Marchetti from the Sapienza
University of Rome, on "Propagating uncertain evidence in Bayesian
The talk will be held on Friday (Sep 15) at 10am in the IDSIA meeting
room (Manno, Galleria 1 building).
The abstract of the 20-minutes talk is the following.
Basic concepts for belief revision are introduced and extended to
tackle the absorption and propagation of uncertain evidence in
Bayesian networks. Within the standard setting, some results are
proposed on conditional, overlapping and set-valued uncertain
instances. Those are successively extended to the multiple setting,
where uncertain evidence is avaiable on a number of distinct random
Alessandro Antonucci
Dalle Molle Institute
for Artificial Intelligence
Via Cantonale (Galleria 2)
CH-6928, Manno-Lugano, CH
mail: alessandro(a)
skype: alessandro.antonucci
tel: +41 916108515
7 years, 5 months
Diego Granziol Machine Learning Research Group, University of Oxford
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Dear All,
I am pleased to announce to all those interested that *tomorrow at 3pm* we
will host Diego Granziol, from Machine Learning Research Group, University
of Oxford. <>
He will give a talk titled "Maximum Entropy and Massive Matrices”, which is
scheduled to start at 15:00 in IDSIA’s meeting room in Manno, Galleria 1
Scalability is a key concern for machine learning in the big data era,
whereby inference schemes are expected to yield optimal results within a
constrained computational budget. Underlying these algorithms, linear
algebraic operations with high computational complexity, such as the log
determinant and matrix inversion, pose a significant bottleneck to
scalability. We consider the theoretical and practical implications of an
information theoretic approximation using soley matrix vector
Best regards,
7 years, 5 months