PIDSIA Seminar by A. Benavoli (3.5)
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Title: Bertlmann's Socks and the Nature of Reality
Speaker: Alessio Benavoli (IDSIA)
Abstract: A short journey through quantum entanglement from 1909 to 2018, Ok, so maybe not that short.
When: Thursday, 3d of May 2018, 12:00-13:00
Location: Manno, Galleria 1, 2nd floor, room G1-204
Registration: Pizza (or alternative food) and drinks will be offered at the end of the talk. If you plan to attend, please register in a timely fashion at the following link so that we will have no shortage of food:
6 years, 10 months
Monday 23 April, h 9:30: "Idea plagiarism detection using syntax-semantic concept extractions"
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Meeting Room
Monday 23 April
h 9:30
Vani K
PhD student @ Amrita University (India)
Plagiarism is increasingly becoming a major issue in the academic and
educational domains. Automated and effective plagiarism detection
systems are direly required to curtail this information breach,
especially in tackling idea plagiarism. The proposed approach is aimed
to detect such plagiarism cases, where the idea of a third party is
adopted and presented intelligently so that at the surface level,
plagiarism cannot be unmasked. The work aims to explore syntax-semantic
concept extractions with genetic algorithm in detecting cases of idea
plagiarism. The work mainly focuses on idea plagiarism where the source
ideas are plagiarized and represented in a summarized form. Plagiarism
detection is employed at both the document and passage levels by
exploiting the document concepts at various structural levels.
Initially, the idea embedded within the given source document is
captured using sentence level concept extraction with genetic algorithm.
Document level detection is facilitated with word-level concepts where
syntactic information is extracted and the non-plagiarized documents are
pruned. A combined similarity metric that utilizes the semantic level
concept extraction is then employed for passage level detection. The
proposed approach is tested on PAN 2014 plagiarism corpus for summary
obfuscation data, which represents a challenging case of idea
plagiarism. The results obtained are found to exhibit significant
improvement over the compared systems and hence reflects the potency of
the proposed syntax-semantic based concept extractions in detecting idea
6 years, 10 months
PIDSIA Seminar by A. Facchini (25.4)
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Title: Why logicians in IDSIA?
Abstract: In an attempt to explain what Logic (and a logic) is, in this talk, thorough a brief glimpse into the history of the concerned discipline (spanning from Chrysippus of Soli and Aristotle to Gödel and Turing, and beyond), I will provide an overview of some of its fundamental concepts and results underpinning the connections with researches at the Institute. In guise of conclusion, I will present ongoing works related to statistical relational languages and imprecise probabilities.
Speaker: Alessandro Facchini, a logician working at IDSIA.
When: 25th of April 2018, 12:00-13:00
Location: Manno, Galleria 1, 2nd floor, room G1-204
Registration: Pizza (or alternative food) and drinks will be offered at the end of the talk. If you plan to attend, please register in a timely fashion at the following link so that we will have no shortage of food:
6 years, 10 months
This Wednesday at 14:00, meeting room, "Dynamic Thresholds for Author Clustering"
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
We will have a talk tomorrow (Wednesday 18 April), in the meeting room.
Mirco Kocher
Computational Linguistics group
Computer science department of the Université de Neuchâtel.
::Title: Dynamic Thresholds for Author Clustering
In author clustering, we have a corpus with texts and we want to regroup
them such that each of the clusters corresponds to a distinct author.
We propose to use a dynamic threshold for single link hierarchical
clustering. First, we determine the probability for each text pair to
be written by the same person. To do so, we present an effective
feature selection strategy and compute the pairwise distances of
documents in the collection. Assuming a Gaussian distribution of the
distances for each text, we can select the relative shortest distances
and assign them higher probabilities. Comparisons with other systems
from PAN CLEF have shown that this approach achieves some of the highest
clustering performances and also completes the task with one of the
shortest runtime.
6 years, 10 months
This Friday at 11:00: Intuitive Control Interfaces for Mobile Robots based on Body Motion
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
A short informal talk + open discussion that may be especially interesting
for those working in ML or Robotics.
Speaker: Matteo Macchini, PhD Student, EPFL.
Host: Alessandro G.
This talk will present the current state and the proposed next efforts in
the field of natural human-robot interfaces for mobile robotic systems
based on body motion. The intuitive mapping system is data-driven from the
user's body motion when they are asked to naturally move as they were in
control of the machine performing a predefined set of manoeuvres . Previous
studies demonstrated that this kind of interface presents a steeper
learning curve in terms of teleoperation performance with respect to a
classic remote controller. Further developments of the interface will
consist in a personalised mapping, adapted ad-hoc on the user, the
introduction of a machine learning-based nonlinear regressor to increase
the decoding power of the gestural interface, an online adaptation paradigm
and a shared control system finalised to the optimisation of estimated
6 years, 11 months