PIDSIA Seminar by Mauro Manconi (31.01.19)
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Infraslow Oscillations and Periodic Leg Movements during Sleep
Oscillations are a fundamental property of life and oscillatory activity is observed throughout the central nervous system at all levels of organization. They are observed across vastly different time scales ranging from year-long cycles to milliseconds. Oscillations interact across different time scales in a complex manner with one of the emerging principles being that lower level (faster) oscillations are embedded in higher level (slower) oscillations. Sleep is a prototype for such a multilevel oscillation. On the one hand, sleep is part of the slower oscillation of the circadian cycle, which interacts with the homeostatic oscillator to regulate the timing and the intra-sleep dynamics. Sleep itself is made up of ultradian cycles, that is, the 90 to 120 minute cycle between non-rapid-eye-movement (NREM) sleep and REM sleep. NREM sleep again consists of several sleep stages, currently labeled N1 to N3, which denote the succession from lighter to deeper, slow wave sleep. The specific sleep stage is characterized by the predominance of brain activity oscillations that include several EEG frequency bands. Bridging the gap between the EEG frequency bands and the ultradian cycle, recent research has begun to characterize a further oscillation of brain activity that is even slower than the slow waves and represents multi-second oscillations with periodicities between 10 to 100 s. These oscillations are called infra-slow oscillations (ISO) and include a synchronous oscillations of motor (periodic legs movements), autonomic and cortical activity during sleep. The physiological as well the pathological meaning of the motor component of ISO has become an hot topic in sleep research.
Prof. med. Mauro Manconi
Head of the Sleep/EEG Center, Neurocenter of Southern Switzerland,
Regional Hospital of Lugano,
Faculty of biomedical Sciences, USI, and Dpt. Of Neurology of Bern University
Prof. Andrea Danani
*When: Thursday 31 January 2019, 12:00-13:00
*Location: Manno, Galleria 1, 2nd floor, room G1-201
*Doodle link:
6 years, 1 month
PIDSIA Seminar by Diego Ulisse Pizzagalli
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Thursday 17 Jan h.12:00 @ IDSIA (room announcement will follow).
Doodle link:
Image driven systems immunology via semi-supervised machine learning
and in-vivo microscopy
This talk describes the combination of machine learning with
microscopy techniques for investigating the mechanisms of the immune
system. After giving an overview about the applications of machine
learning to in-vivo imaging, the capabilities of a graph-based,
semi-supervised clustering algorithm will be presented.
More in details, the immune system involves a complex network of
cellular interactions. This network can be described as a system whose
output can be either protective (i.e. from pathogens and tumors) or
pathogenic (i.e. leading to autoimmune diseases). In-vivo video
microscopy (IVM) is a recently developed method to investigate the
behavior of the immune system in living animals. IVM acquires 4D
videos capturing the migration of cells which correlates to their
spatiotemporal interaction patterns. However, automatic classical
automatic analysis methods for this type of data require cell
segmentation and tracking which are challenging due to the high
plasticity, lack of textures and frequent contacts between cells. To
this end, we present a semi-supervised clustering algorithm for
segmentation and tracking by grouping voxels according with a
trainable grouping criterion. Moreover, we present novel analysis
methods that do not require segmentation nor tracking.
Diego Ulisse Pizzagalli
PhD Candidate and Teaching Assistant
Institute for Research in Biomedicine - Bellinzona
Institute of Computational Science, USI
Alessandro Giusti
6 years, 1 month