PIDSIA by Monaldo Mastrolilli (3d of April)
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Monaldo Mastrolilli
What is a Groebner basis?
A Groebner basis is a set of multivariate polynomials that has desirable algorithmic properties.
Every set of polynomials can be transformed into a Groebner basis.
This process generalizes three familiar techniques (and more):
1) Gaussian elimination for solving linear systems of equations,
2) the Euclidean algorithm for computing the greatest common divisor of two univariate polynomials,
3) and the Simplex Algorithm for linear programming.
In this talk I'll give a gentle introduction to Groebner bases.
No prior knowledge is required.
Monaldo Mastrolilli is professor at IDSIA. He is broadly interested in combinatorial optimization with special focus on everything that can be applied, at least in theory.
3d of April 2019, 12:00-13:00
*Location: Manno, Galleria 1, 2nd floor, room G1-201
*Doodle registration:
Pizza and drinks will be offered at the end of the talk. If you plan to attend, please register in a timely fashion at the
following link so that we will have no shortage of food:
5 years, 11 months
PIDSIA Seminar by Fabrizio Grandoni (21st of March)
by Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Speaker: Fabrizio Grandoni
Title: How to Pack your Rectangles?
Suppose that I give you a square and a collection of rectangles of
different shapes. How many rectangles can you pack into the square (so
that they do not overlap)? This and related problems are NP-hard. In
this talk I will present approximation algorithms to efficiently pack
a number of rectangles close to the optimum. The talk is meant to be
accessible to non-experts.
Fabrizio Grandoni is currently a Senior Researcher at IDSIA. Formerly
he was a postdoc at the MPII, at the University of Rome Sapienza, and
at TU Berlin. Before joining IDSIA, he was an Assistant Professor at
the University of Rome Tor Vergata (where he also got his PhD).
Grandoni's research interests focus on algorithms and complexity
theory, and in particular on approximation algorithms.
Date: 21st of March 2019, 12:00-13:00
Location: Manno, Galleria 1, 2nd floor, room G1-204
Registration: Pizza (or alternative food) and drinks will be offered
at the end of the talk.
If you plan to attend, please register in a timely fashion at the
following link so that we will have no shortage of food:
5 years, 11 months