Clelia di Serio: Statistical Approaches to Complex Biomedical frameworks
by IDSIA Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Dear Colleagues,
You are kindly invited to attend the seminar by Prof Clelia di Serio on "Statistical Approaches to Complex Biomedical frameworks” which will be held this Friday, the 10th of December, at 3 pm, in room D1.10 (Sector D, first floor) on the East Campus in Lugano Viganello.
Statistical modelling and analysis for complex biomedical data: challenges and obstacles.
One of the major challenges in modern biostatistics derives from the analysis of Real World Data (RWD).
Indeed, whenever main features of common control designs cannot be applied, common statistical tools may fail in dealing with unbalanced groups, non-homogenous populations and confoundness derived from large observational data. New statistical perspectives are needed to deal with wide heterogeneity of big biomedical data that might magnify noise rather than improve inference.
A deep understanding of the data generating process represents the first step to investigate the complex dependence structure among covariates in RWD and for supporting new findings in biomedical research.
This seminar proposes novel statistical settings (classical and Bayesian) for the analysis of observational studies based longitudinal, survival and cross-sectional data. Latent class models, Bayesian Networks, Frailty modelling are illustrated as possible tools for facing obstacles and challenges of complex biomedical data. Examples from different biomedical frameworks, such as COVID-19 data, gene therapy and oncology are illustrated.
Our speaker
Clelia Di Serio, is full professor in Biostatistics by San Raffaele University in Milan since 2012 and aggregate Professor by the Faculty of Biomedical Sciences in USI (CH). After completing her undergraduate study in Trento University and University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill- USA) she worked as post-graduate and as researcher in biostatistics groups in Copenhagen, Munich and Duke University (1999-2002).
Former president of Italian section of International Biometric Society (IBS) she has been head of Research Committee of Società Italiana di Statistica Medica (SISMEC) until 2021. At the present she is responsible in the Mentoring Program and Council Member representative in the International Biometric Society.
Since 2016 she is co-director of MSc Program in Cognitive Psychology in Health Communication in USI (CH).
Since 2020 she is Fellow of Istituto Lombardo Accademia di Scienze e Lettere
3 years, 3 months