Seminar Prof. Sehoon "Somewhere between Robot Control and Servo Control", 23/11 3pm, room A1.02
by IDSIA Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Dear all,
on November 23 at 3:00pm there will be a seminar given by Prof. Sehoon
Oh, room A1.02.
The title of the seminar is: Somewhere between Robot Control and Servo
Abstract: As a servo control engineer, who entered robotics control
field afterwards, I found that there is a discrepancy between servo
control and robot control. This talk is about this discrepancy between
them, and also about how the servo control methodologies can be applied
to the robot control. Model-based control using Disturbance Observer
(DOB) has been a very powerful tool in the servo control, and this talk
introduces how this DOB techniques can be applied to robot control.
Force control including Series Elastic Actuators as well as force sensor
feedback is one of the main application of this approach.
Bio of the speaker: Sehoon Oh received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in
electrical engineering from The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in
1998, 2000, and 2005, respectively. He was a research associate at The
University of Tokyo until 2012, a Visiting Researcher at the University
of Texas at Austin from 2010 to 2011, a Senior Researcher at Samsung
Heavy Industries, and a Research Professor at Sogang University. He is
currently an Associate Professor at DGIST, Daegu, South Korea. His
research interests include the development of force control for
human-friendly motion control algorithms and assistive/exercise devices
for people. Dr. Oh received the Best Transactions Paper Award from the
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics in 2013. From March 2022, he
is a guest scientist at DLR, Germany until Jan. 2023.
Have a good day,
Ph.D. Loris Roveda
Phone: +393318648725
Istituto Dalle Molle di studi sull’Intelligenza Artificiale (IDSIA)
Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI)
Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
Via la Santa 1, 6962 Viganello, Switzerland
Coordinator of EUROBENCH XSPINE and REMOTe_XSPINE Projects
P.I. of H2020 CS2 ASSASSINN Project
2 years, 3 months
Seminar Prof. Sehoon "Somewhere between Robot Control and Servo Control", 23/11 11am, room A1.02
by IDSIA Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Dear all,
on November 23 at 11:00am there will be a seminar given by Prof. Sehoon
Oh, room A1.02.
The title of the seminar is: Somewhere between Robot Control and Servo
Abstract: As a servo control engineer, who entered robotics control
field afterwards, I found that there is a discrepancy between servo
control and robot control. This talk is about this discrepancy between
them, and also about how the servo control methodologies can be applied
to the robot control. Model-based control using Disturbance Observer
(DOB) has been a very powerful tool in the servo control, and this talk
introduces how this DOB techniques can be applied to robot control.
Force control including Series Elastic Actuators as well as force sensor
feedback is one of the main application of this approach.
Bio of the speaker: Sehoon Oh received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in
electrical engineering from The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, in
1998, 2000, and 2005, respectively. He was a research associate at The
University of Tokyo until 2012, a Visiting Researcher at the University
of Texas at Austin from 2010 to 2011, a Senior Researcher at Samsung
Heavy Industries, and a Research Professor at Sogang University. He is
currently an Associate Professor at DGIST, Daegu, South Korea. His
research interests include the development of force control for
human-friendly motion control algorithms and assistive/exercise devices
for people. Dr. Oh received the Best Transactions Paper Award from the
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics in 2013. From March 2022, he
is a guest scientist at DLR, Germany until Jan. 2023.
Have a good day,
Ph.D. Loris Roveda
email: loris.roveda(a)
Phone: +393318648725
Istituto Dalle Molle di studi sull’Intelligenza Artificiale (IDSIA)
Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI)
Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
Via la Santa 1, 6962 Viganello, Switzerland
Coordinator of EUROBENCH XSPINE and REMOTe_XSPINE Projects
P.I. of H2020 CS2 ASSASSINN Project
2 years, 4 months