Roundtable with Prof. Lena Kästner on AI and scientific research, March 30, 2pm - 4pm
by IDSIA Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Dear all,
On March 30, we are organising a roundtable on "Explainable AI and Scientific Research" with Lena Kästner, professor of philosophy, computer science, and artificial intelligence at the University of Bayreuth, Germany.
The meeting will be held on Wednesday 30th of March from 2pm to 4 pm in Room D1.06, Sector D, first floor, Campus Est, USI-SUPSI, Lugano-Viganello.
The discussion will focus on the consequences of using opaque AI models in scientific research and whether they can be countered through the use of explainable AI tools.
The starting point will be the paper "Testing the Tools of Systems Neuroscience on Artificial Neural Networks” by Grace W. Lindsay available here
Everyone is welcome.
Best regards
Alessandro Facchini & Alberto Termine
2 years, 11 months
[Lumi] Talk on "Modelling Mental Illnesses: Multiplexes to Rescue? " by Lena Kästner (U. Bayreuth) Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at 17:00 (5pm) CET, presence/Zoom
by IDSIA Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Modelling Mental Illnesses: Multiplexes to Rescue?
Understanding mental illnesses requires looking at a variety of different factors contributing to the development, persistence, and treatment of mental illness. That is, scientists must take into account the role of, e.g., behavioral, psychological, neurophysiological, genetic, pharmacological and environmental influences on psychopathology. To integrate real-world data regarding such varied factors, complex computational models have been raising high hopes. In this talk, I shall examine the vices and virtues of recent multiplex approaches for grasping psychopathology.
mental illness, mental disorder, multiplex, causal graph, symptom network model, connectivity
Lena Kästner is professor for philosophy, computer science and artificial intelligence at University of Bayreuth, Germany. Previously, she has been an assistant professor in philosophy of science at Tilburg University in the Netherlands and a junior professor in philosophy of mind and cognitive systems at Saarland University, Germany. Her background is in cognitive science and cognitive neuroscience and she holds a PhD in philosophy. Her primary research areas are philosophy of mind and philosophy of science, especially philosophy of cognitive science. She works on scientific explanations, causation, scientific discovery and experimentation, psychopathology, and explainable AI (XAI). Currently, Prof. Kästner is head-PI of the project “Explainable Intelligent Systems” (
More information:
Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at 17:00 (5pm) CET
Room D1.06, Sector D, first floor, Campus Est, USI-SUPSI, Lugano-Viganello
*Zoom link:
ID meeting: 612 4700 0872
Passcode: lena
2 years, 11 months