Registration: MAFALDA - Applied mathematics in Lugano
by IDSIA Announcements of talks@IDSIA
Dear idsiani,
registration is open for MAFALDA - MAthematics For Algorithms, Life sciences and DAta <>.
As announced, this event will feature introductory talks about applications of topology and algebra to complexity of motion planning, to neural codes and to data analysis. It will be held on the afternoon of Thursday, June 30th, at the Viganello Campus.
The closing act will be a joint SUPSI-USI lecture (in collaboration with the Euler Institute and IDSIA) by prof. Henry Schenck <> (Auburn U) entitled “When Topology meets Data: an invitation to persistent homology” <>.
This lecture will take place at 16:30, followed by refreshments.
The talk will be aimed at a broad scientific audience, everybody is welcome and participation will be free-of-charge.
For logistical reasons we ask you to register here <> before June 20th ( )
I hope that you’ll join us for one or more of the talks and that you’ll find some inspiring thoughts.
Of course, feel free to spread the word!
MAFALDA is part of Arrangements in Ticino 2022 <>, a weeks-long mathematics conference hosted by SUPSI
Best wishes
Emanuele (on behalf of the organizers)
2 years, 9 months