Dear All,
I'm pleased to announce a talk by Fabio D'Andreagiovanni, from the Zuse
Institut Berlin (ZIB), Germany.
WHEN: Today, Dec 12; 15:45-16:30
WHERE: IDSIA's conference room
TITLE: Robust Optimization under Multi-band Uncertainty
SPEAKER: Fabio D'Andreagiovanni, fZuse Institut Berlin (ZIB), Germany.
“The Price of Robustness” by Bertsimas and Sim represented a breakthrough
in the development of a tractable robust counterpart of a Linear
Programming problem. However, the central assumptions that the deviation
band of each uncertain parameter is single and that the uncertainty
distribution is symmetric may be too limitative in practice. Experience
indeed suggests that the deviations often distribute asymmetrically over
the band. Breaking the band into multiple sub-bands thus looks advisable in
order to get a higher modeling resolution. Surprisingly, though the idea of
using multiple bands is not new, no theoretical study of a general
multi-band model has yet been done. The aim of our investigations is to
bridge such knowledge gap.
In this work, we study the robust counterpart of a Mixed-Integer Linear
Programming Problem with uncertain coefficient matrix and we model the
uncertainty through a multi-band set. Our main results are that i) the
robust counterpart corresponds to a compact Linear Programming formulation
and that ii) the separation of cuts imposing robustness can be operated
efficiently by solving a min-cost flow problem. Moreover, we show
additional results about domination among uncertainty scenarios, pure 0-1
Programs and probability bound of constraint violation. Finally, we present
computational experiments on realistic network design instances.
D. Bertsimas, M. Sim, The Price of Robustness, Operations Research, 52 (1),
35–53, 2004
C. Büsing, F. D'Andreagiovanni, New Results about Multi-band Uncertainty in
Robust Optimization. Proceedings of SEA 2012, LNCS, vol. 7276, pp.
63-74. Springer,
Heidelberg (2012)
C. Büsing, F. D'Andreagiovanni, Robust Optimization under Multi-band
Uncertainty, submitted for publication (2012)