Dear All,
Maser Babazadeh will give us a talk on the streaming framework Web Liquid Streams,
on Monday the 11th at 11h00 in IDSIA’s meeting room (Galleria 1 bldg in Manno).
Thanks to the recent introduction of peer-to-peer communication between browsers with
WebRTC, real time processing of streams can now be deployed on browsers in addition to
traditional server-side execution environments. In this talk we present the Web Liquid
Streams framework for building and executing stream processing topologies capable of
gathering data from Web-enabled sensors and process it through JavaScript operators
scattered across a peer-to-peer Cloud of computing peers. WLS offers i) support for
arbitrary topologies and data streams, ii) deployment on heterogeneous Web-enabled
devices, iii) transparent stream delivery across the WebRTC, WebSockets and ZeroMQ
protocols, iv) stateful and stateless operators. WLS takes care of the deployment of the
topology on the available resources, while users are only required to implement the
operators and describe the topology graph using JSON. The structure of the topology can be
dynamically adapted without stopping the stream flowing through it. The talk will present
the platform and its programming interface, showing a preliminary evaluation of the
Masar is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Informatics at Università della Svizzera
Best regards