::Title: "Forecasting of Photovoltaic Generation for Microgrid
::IDSIA meeting room
Enrica Scolari
PhD student at EPFL
The penetration of stochastic renewable generation in modern power
systems requires reconsidering conventional practices to ensure the
reliable operation of the electrical network. In order to cope with the
uncertainties of the renewables, predictive schemes that leverage on
forecast of renewable generation recently came into prominence. In
particular, small-scale photovoltaic (PV) systems are expected to
represent most of the future available capacity, and consequently, solar
resource assessment and forecasting are of fundamental importance. The
presentation focuses on forecasting methods and generation models to
support the integration of PV systems in the grid, considering
short-term temporal horizons (below one hour) and limited spatial
resolution (single site installations). In this respect, nonparametric
tools to deliver prediction intervals from sub-second to intra-hour
horizons are proposed and benchmarked. They forecast the AC power and/or
the solar irradiance by extracting selected endogenous influential
variables from historical time-series. The integration of features from
all-sky images into the prediction chain will also be discussed. The
proposed methods are experimentally validated in a real microgrid by
considering possible applications in modern power systems.