A short informal talk + open discussion that may be especially interesting
for those working in ML or Robotics.
Speaker: Matteo Macchini, PhD Student, EPFL.
Host: Alessandro G.
This talk will present the current state and the proposed next efforts in
the field of natural human-robot interfaces for mobile robotic systems
based on body motion. The intuitive mapping system is data-driven from the
user's body motion when they are asked to naturally move as they were in
control of the machine performing a predefined set of manoeuvres . Previous
studies demonstrated that this kind of interface presents a steeper
learning curve in terms of teleoperation performance with respect to a
classic remote controller. Further developments of the interface will
consist in a personalised mapping, adapted ad-hoc on the user, the
introduction of a machine learning-based nonlinear regressor to increase
the decoding power of the gestural interface, an online adaptation paradigm
and a shared control system finalised to the optimisation of estimated