*The topic of the 2018 Meeting will be Logic and Quantum Physics:
As it requires a radical revision of the common view of the nature of physical reality but also of how to handle information processes, since its birth quantum physics has been a rich source of challenges and inspirations for philosophy, logic and computer science.
In recent times there has been a growing, exciting body of researches in the foundations of quantum theory, stemming particularly from quantum logic and quantum information, that deserves to be shared and discussed.
The aim of this event is therefore to bring together some of the experts in quantum logic, quantum information and philosophy of physics, to provide with a general overview of the main problematics to a wide audience, but also to stimulate interactions and discussions based on some of the latest developments in the concerned fields with both established researchers and graduate and post graduate students.
*Invited Speakers include:
Claus Beisbart (U. Bern)
Olivia Caramello (U. Insubria)
Gemma De Las Cuevas (U. Innsbruck)
Stephan Hartmann (LMU Munich)
Renato Renner (ETHZ)
Ruediger Schack (U. London)
Christian Wuethrich (U. Geneva)
*Details about the program are available here and the conference location will be announced here.