Dear all,
Due to some technical issues. Oleg’s PIDSIA, planned for this Thursday, December 10th, at
11:30, will *not* take place on Teams but on Zoom.
New link to the talk.
ID meeting: 918 4327 8932
no password
*Title: Monte Carlo Planning and Applications
*Abstract: Multi-period planning problems have experienced an increasing industry interest
reflected within IDSIA's project pipeline. On the research side, this demand is
complemented by the emergence of strong Monte Carlo search techniques over the recent
years. The resulting decision-making agents have demonstrated super-human performance in
complicated toy scenarios, such as game-play of Hex, Go, Chess, StarCraft, ... This talk
introduces Monte Carlo planning theory and applies it to two planning problems to serve
industry demand: The hedging of financial derivative contracts (with UBS) and military
decision making (with ArmaSuisse).
*Speaker: Oleg Szehr studied at ETH Zurich and followed a scholarship of the Bavarian
academy of sciences to conduct a PhD in Mathematics at the MPQ Garching.
After a PostDoc as a Mathematician at the University of Cambridge, OS was working for
several years as an Investment Banking Quant. In this role he was responsible for the
deployment and risk-monitoring of statistical models for investment firms like Aareal,
Allianz GI, Credit Suisse, SEB,... OS has also supervised a Quant Developer/ Programmer
team at Credit Suisse. OS joined IDSIA as a researcher in 2019.
Thursday, December 10th, 2020, at 11:30