Speaker: Rafael Cabañas (University of Granada)
When: Wednesday, December 17th, 2014.
Time: 11.50am
Duration: ~30mins
Where: room 223 (just in front of the vending machines)
Traditionally, potentials involved in Influence Diagrams have been
represented using tables.
Binary Trees are an alternative representation which allows
representing context-specific
independencies that are finer-grained compared to those encoded using
other representations.
This enhanced capability can be used to improve the efficiency of the
inference algorithms
used for Influence Diagrams. Another advantage is that this kind of
structure can easily
represent constraints in asymmetric decision problems.
Alessandro Antonucci
Dalle Molle Institute
for Artificial Intelligence
Via Cantonale (Galleria 2)
CH-6928, Manno-Lugano, CH
mail: alessandro(a)idsia.ch
skype: alessandro.antonucci
tel: +41 916108515