Application of Deep Learning to Metabolomics: improved steroid identification via deep
learning retention time predictions and high-resolution GCxGC-MS
The untargeted steroid identification represents an important analytical challenge due to
the chemical similarity of the molecules. Moreover, new experimental technologies such as
the two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC) coupled with high resolution time of fly
mass spectrometry (HRMS-TOF) were demonstrated to show superior separation power
especially for the isomeric compound discrimination. Unfortunately, few molecules are
generally annotated, limiting thus the comprehension of the steroid metabolism in its
complexity. To overcome this current limitation, in-silico retention time predictions
represent an interesting option.
In this work, several machine learning and deep learning algorithms were utilised for the
development of retention time prediction models in GCxGC. Starting from a
three-dimensional molecular representation, convolutional neural networks (CNN) showed the
best prediction performances compared to the classical machine learning models based on
handcrafted molecular descriptors. Moreover, CNN were demonstrated to recognize the chiral
information and to solve an important issue for steroid identification without the need
for a manual feature engineering.
The final prediction model is applied to a real clinical case study. In combination with
the MS information, retention time predictions allowed the untargeted annotation of 12
steroids in the urine of new-borns.
Giuseppe Marco Randazzo, PhD
IDSIA - Computational Biophysics Group - Prof. Andrea Danani
Wednesday, 12th of June 2019, 12:00-13:00
*Location: Manno, Galleria 1, 2nd floor, room G1-201
*Doodle registration:
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register in a timely fashion at the
following link so that we will have no shortage of food: