MSE thesis defence
Industrial cluster symbiosis optimization based on linear
Jafar Jamal, IDSIA
Industrial Symbiosis is a symbiotic relationship between
dissimilar industries that is achieved by the flow of
waste and byproducts as an output from one production
units to another as resource to be used for production.
The described symbiosis has many environmental and
economical benefits generated from reducing the cost of
the resources used in the production process. The main
concern with implementing such a system is the guarantee
for an even distribution of the extra profit generated
through the trading process among the participating
production units. Otherwise, it would be intuitively
difficult to convince them to implement the system we
suggest. In this work, we model the problem through
mathematical programming and we propose a solution based
on a series of linear programs that maximizes and balances
the profit between the production units. A first model
focuses on pure bybroducts trading, a more advanced one
also considers the trading process within a dynamic
electricity market where electricity costs vary overtime.
We show that an industrial cluster can take advantage of a
symbiotic system based on the exchange of byproducts
between the cluster's production units in order to
increase the total profit, whether operating in isolation
or within a dynamic electricity market, and that the
approach proposed does indeed spread the extra profit
guaranteed by the exchange of byproducts evenly among the
participating production units.
When: 22nd March 2018, 16:30-17:30
Where: Manno, Galleria 1, 2nd floor, room G1-204
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