Title: Creative AI: bridging the Semantic Gap
Speaker: Marilena Oita (IDSIA)
Abstract: This presentation brainstorms on how creativity can be algorithmically forged
and eased through Design. A multi-dimensional parallel between semantics and deep learning
outlines the complementarity of these AI approaches. Assuming an architecture which eases
the communication between the two paradigms, I propose ways in which semantics could solve
three fundamental flaws of Deep Learning: narrow focus, opacity and incapacity to build on
what we already know.
When: Wednesday, 23d of May 2018, 12:00-13:00
Location: Manno, Galleria 1, 2nd floor, room G1-204
Registration: Pizza (or alternative food) and drinks will be offered at the end of the
talk. If you plan to attend, please register in a timely fashion at the following link so
that we will have no shortage of food: