We are happy to announce the third talk of the series of webinars at IDSIA dedicated to
the foundational, epistemological and ethical aspects of AI.
(For informations and events related to the topics of the series, please subscribe to the
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*Title: Analogue Models and Universal Machines. Paradigms of Epistemic Transparency in
Artificial Intelligence
*Abstract: The problem of epistemic opacity in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is often
characterised as a problem of intransparent algorithms that gives rise to intransparent
models. However, the dichotomy in the pertinent literature between a perceived necessity
of making AI algorithms transparent and the countervailing claim that they give rise to an
'essential' epistemic opacity of AI models might be false. Instead, epistemic
transparency is primarily a function of the degrees of an epistemic agent's perceptual
or conceptual grasp of the relevant elements and relations in a model, which might vary in
kind and in accordance with the pertinent level of modelling. In order to elucidate this
hypothesis, I first contrast computer models and their claims to algorithm-based
universality with cybernetics-style analogue models and their claims to structural
isomorphism between model and target system (Black 1962). I then undertake a comparison
between contemporary AI approaches that variously align with these modelling paradigms:
Behaviour-based AI, Deep Learning and the Predictive Processing Paradigm. I conclude that
epistemic transparency of the algorithms involved in these models is not sufficient and
might not always be necessary to meet the condition of recognising their epistemically
relevant elements.
*Speaker: Hajo Greif, Research Assistant Professor, Philosophy of Computing Group, ICFO,
WAiNS, Warsaw University of Technology (personal webpage:
*Date: Friday, May 28, 2021, at 17:00 (5pm), on Zoom.
*Zoom Link:
ID meeting: 638 0144 9377
Passcode: hajo