Daniele Malpetti.
Numerics and quantum physics: a stochastic computational method for cold atoms in optical
At very small scale, of the order of the nanometer, classical physics becomes insufficient
for describing matter, because quantum effects emerge prominently. Studying this physics
can be a very challenging task, both experimentally and theoretically, because of the
complexity of matter itself. For this reason, in 1982, Richard Feynman proposed not to
study matter directly, but to simulate it, using a so-called quantum simulator [Int. J.
Theor. Physics, 21:467]. This would amount to studying some “simple” experimental quantum
systems, which can be mapped onto more complex ones. More than twenty years later, thanks
to great technological advances, the existence of quantum simulators was made possible. In
this talk we will focus on a specific class of quantum simulators, namely cold atoms in
optical lattices, which constitute a highly controllable experimental setup for the study
of quantum effects. Despite their controllability, due to their quantum nature, an exact
mathematical study of these systems remains inaccessible to the computational capacity of
current technology. For this reason most approaches rely either on approximations or on
stochastic methods. We will present a new computational approach based both on an
approximation and a stochastic (Monte Carlo) method. At the end of the talk we will also
briefly review the relations between quantum physics and machine learning.
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