CQI Seminar: Hafiza Rumlah Amer
by William Schober
Cari amici,
Tomorrow at 12:00 CET we'll have an online speaker, Hafiza Rumlah Amer, title and abstract below. The talk will be on Zoom. Please use the link below to join.
Best regards,
Will Schober
Speaker: Hafiza Rumlah Amer
Title: Multipartite Nonlocality Bounds via Biased Nonlocality
Abstract: Multipartite information principles are needed to understand nonlocal quantum correlations. Towards that end, I will discuss optimal multipartite nonlocality bounds obtained for classes of THRESHOLD games using the LOCCG (Local Operations and Classical Communication with Grouping) model. The proof develops a reduction between multipartite nonlocal and biased bipartite nonlocal games.
Time: Oct 31, 2024 04:00 PM Asia/Karachi (12:00 pm Switzerland)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 972 1126 9895
Passcode: 203510
4 months, 1 week
CQI Seminar: Stefan Wolf (and hopefully Ämin Baumeler too!)
by William Schober
Hi everyone,
Tomorrow morning we'll have a talk by Stefan Wolf entitled "from bell to boltzmann (via coiteux-roy)", and possibly also a second talk by Ämin Baumeler, title and abstract below. The time and place is 11:00 in D5.01, although we may start half an hour early at 10:30 if Ämin is going to speak as well. As usual I'll stream the talks online to our jitsi channel (https://meet.jit.si/CQISeminarTalks).
Hope to see you there,
Speaker: Ämin Baumeler
Title: Flow of dynamical causal structures
Abstract: Causal models capture cause-effect relations, offering a powerful tool for
analyzing and reasoning about processes. Recently, causal models were
successfully generalized to quantum processes, also to those with indefinite
causal order. In this talk I will present a tool---flow of causal structures---
to visualize and explore dynamical causal order in classical-deterministic
processes, like those seen in general relativity. As an application I will
show that if all leaf nodes of a flow are trivial, then the correlations must
decompose in a linear causal way.
5 months, 1 week