Hello everyone,
The third session of the AIT seminar is tomorrow (Tuesday) at *13:30*, in
the *D1.15*.
(Different time!)
Vincent Herrmann will present:
*Stationary algorithmic probability*, Markus Müller (Theoretical Computer
Science, 411(1):113--130, 2010)
Volodymyr Kyrylov will present:
*Less is More: Parameter-Free Text Classification with Gzip*, Zhiying
Jiang, Matthew Y.R. Yang, Mikhail Tsirlin, Raphael Tang, Jimmy Lin
Aditya Ramesh will present:
*A theory of universal artificial intelligence based on algorithmic
complexity*, Marcus Hutter (arXiv preprint cs/0004001, 2000)
Tommaso Marzi will present:
*Measuring complexity to infer changes in the dynamics of ecological
systems under stress*, Vasilis Dakos and Fernando Soler-Toscano (Ecological
Complexity, 32:144--155, 2017)
And Qianbo Zang will present:
*Fast whole-genome phylogeny of the covid-19 virus sars-cov-2 by
compression*, Rudi L. Cilibrasi and Paul MB Vitányi (bioRxiv, pages
2020--07, 2020)
The seminar will be live-streamed via Jitsi,
(Seminar webpage :