Workshop Identity in Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science
Workshop Identity in Metaphysics and Philosophy of Science
Sunday 6th June, online via videoconference
All times are Central European Time (CET).
9.00 Kathrin Koslicki (University of Neuchâtel): Artifacts and the
Limits of Human Creative Intentions
10.15 James Ladyman (Bristol University): Identity, Intension and
11.30 Kai Wehmeier (University of California): Relational Identity:
Lessons from Frege and Wittgenstein
12.30 Lunch break
14.00 Fabrice Correia (University of Geneva): Factual Identity vs
Propositional Identity
15.15 Charlotte Werndl (University of Salzburg) Can Somebody Please Say
What Gibbsian Statistical Mechanics Says?
16.30 Augustin Rayo (MIT) Transcendence and Triviality
If you want to participate, please register by sending an e-mail with
"Identity workshop: registration" in the subject line to Robert Michels:
Organisers: Jonas Waechter (USI) and Robert Michels (USI & University of
Funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.
Identity in Cognitive Science, Quantum Mechanics, and Metaphysics
Università della Svizzera italiana - USI
Project nr. 185435, PI: Kevin Mulligan
3 years, 8 months