Online Info Day Master in Philosophy, USI, Lugano
by Danni Zhu
Registrations are now open for the online Info Day of the Master in Philosophy (MAP) <> at USI (Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano)!
The MAP is a research-oriented, two-year master programme (in English) with a clear focus on Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Logic, and Philosophy of Science. It aims at preparing its students for the most demanding PhD programmes around the world and stands out for the international stature of its professors <>. It guarantees a personal tutor, who is one of the professors of the Master and provides regular one-on-one meetings, feedback on written work, and guidance about future academic careers.
The Info Day allows prospective students to get to know our master programme. During the online Q&A session, students will have the opportunity to ask questions about the master to the programme coordinator, some current students, and alumni.
The meeting will take place on Wednesday 16 March at 16:15-16:45 (CET) on Microsoft Teams.
To participate:
Please fill in the online registration form: <>.
More information about the MAP: <> <>
2 years, 11 months