Reminder: CFA - Plato on Change - Deadline May 31
Call for Abstracts: Deadline May 31, 2023 at 23:59 (CET).
The workshop Plato on Change will take place from September 15 to September 17, 2023.
Submitted abstracts have to be 500-800 words and prepared for blind review. They should be submitted in PDF format to paolo.gigli(a) by May 31, 2023 at 23:59 (CET).
Acceptance will be notified by email one month after the deadline. Accommodation and travel costs for the selected speakers will be covered.
Invited Participants
Francesco Ademollo (Università di Firenze & SNS Pisa)
Paolo Crivelli (Université de Genève & USI)
Matthew Duncombe (University of Nottingham)
Mary-Louise Gill (Brown University)
Alessandro Giordani (Università Cattolica di Milano & USI)
Tushar Irani (Wesleyan University)
Béatrice Lienemann (Université de Fribourg)
Paolo Natali (Université de Genève & USI)
Pauline Sabrier (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Barbara Sattler (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Paolo Gigli & Damiano Costa
For any queries: paolo.gigli(a)
Further information available at:
1 year, 9 months
Workshop Vagueness & Indeterminacy
On May 31, the workshop Vagueness & Indeterminacy will take place at USI with Kit Fine (NYU),Alessandro Torza (UNAM), Achille Varzi (Columbia University), Robert Michels (LanCog, CFUL, University of Lisbon).
This workshop will take place in room A21 Red Building (USI West Campus, Lugano) and also be streamed on Zoom; to get the link please write to
More information:
Here is the abstract of the workshop:
There is no doubt that indeterminacy and vagueness are ubiquitous in the way we represent the world. It is however highly debated whether the world itself could be the source of any indeterminacy. Discussions about what is known as ontological or metaphysical indeterminacy have become more and more popular among metaphysicians and philosophers of science in recent years. This workshop aims at bringing together some of the most influential figures in the contemporary debate on vagueness and indeterminacy to discuss novel approaches and evaluate the prospects of future discussions on this topic.
1 year, 9 months
Conferenza Pubblica con Varzi e Calosi, Lugano
***English version below***
Ratio è felice di invitarvi alla conferenza pubblica ‘Abisso e Stelle Stesso Foco Chiama’
La conferenza sarà tenuta da Achille Varzi (Columbia University) e Claudio Calosi (University of Geneva).
L’evento si terrà Giovedì 1 Giugno alle 19.00 in aula A11, Palazzo rosso (Campus Ovest, USI). Dopo la discussione seguirà un rinfresco.
La conferenza sarà in Italiano.
Qui una breve descrizione :
«Ma luce o perdizione quel che s’ama
nasconde in onne cosa che è presente:
abisso e stelle stesso foco chiama.»
Così riporta la ritrovata Comedia Metaphysica. Gli editori, Achille Varzi e Claudio Calosi, ci accompagneranno in un viaggio filosofico, poetico e letterario che percorrerà le tappe principali della filosofia e suoi maggiori dibattiti: da Platone e Agostino a Lowe e Sider… passando per Dante e la Divina Commedia.
Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili nella pagina Facebook <> dell’evento<> o sul sito usi<>.
Non vediamo l’ora di vedervi lì.
***Versione italiana sopra***
Dear all,
Ratio is happy to invite you to the Public Conference ‘Abisso e Stelle Stesso Foco Chiama’
The talk will be held by Achille Varzi (Columbia University) and Claudio Calosi (University of Geneva).
It will take place on Thursday, June 1st, at 19.00 pm (CET) in room A11 in the red building (USI). After the conference there will be a refreshment.
The conference will be held in Italian.
Here is a brief description:
«Ma luce o perdizione quel che s’ama
nasconde in onne cosa che è presente:
abisso e stelle stesso foco chiama.»
Così riporta la ritrovata Comedia Metaphysica. Gli editori, Achille Varzi e Claudio Calosi, ci accompagneranno in un viaggio filosofico, poetico e letterario che percorrerà le tappe principali della filosofia e suoi maggiori dibattiti: da Platone e Agostino a Lowe e Sider… passando per Dante e la Divina Commedia.
More information is available on the event's Facebook page<> or on usi website<>.
We’re looking forward to seeing you there.
1 year, 9 months
Workshop: Arbitrary Objects
On May 20—21, a workshop on Arbitrary Objects will take place at USI with Kit Fine (NYU), Alessandro Giordani (Catholic University Milan, USI), Leon Horsten (Konstanz) and Giorgio Venturi (Pisa).
This workshop will take place in Aula 354 (USI West Campus, Lugano) and also be streamed on Zoom; to get the link please write to leon.probst(a)
More information:
Here is the abstract of the workshop:
After Fine's seminal work, Reasoning with Arbitrary Objects (1985), arbitrary objects have recently regained some interest, e.g. Horsten’s The Metaphysics and Mathematics of Arbitrary Objects (2019). The recentness of this field makes it particularly prone to a diversity of views and approaches about which theory of arbitrary objects should we endorse, and what are their applications. The aim of this workshop is to assess all these questions with some of the leading scholars working on this topic.
1 year, 9 months
Lugano Philosophy Colloquia: Tim Maudlin. May 15
We are pleased to announce that on Monday, May 15 at 6.00pm (CET), Tim Maudlin (NYU) will give the talk Credence—and Chance—Without Numbers (and with the Euclidean Property) as part of the Lugano Philosophy Colloquia.
This hybrid talk will take place in room A31 Red Building (USI west campus) and online via Zoom. If you are interested in joining it online, please write to
Here is the abstract of the talk:
Accounts of both rational credence and of objective chance have always confronted difficulties associated with events that are assigned “probability zero” by the usual Kolmogorov probability function used to model the situation. One sort of solution recommends extending the number field used to represent credences and chances to the surreals or hyperreals. But the correct solution—the solution that always respects the Euclidean property—is to eliminate numbers from the fundamental representation of credence and chance altogether in favor of a system of relations. This solution also sheds light on other paradoxes, such as the Banach-Tarski paradox and the St. Petersburg paradox.
1 year, 10 months